Belcourt Park is NOW OPEN!


Belcourt Park is NOW OPEN!

Today, residents and guests of Seven Oaks joined the City of Bakersfield Recreation & Parks Department, Woodbridge Pacific Group (WPG), and Bolthouse Properties to celebrate the addition of the new Belcourt Park. 

The new 8.3-acre park includes covered picnic areas and play structures, a tot-lot, tennis courts, a soccer field, and an amphitheater. 

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Mayor Goh and other city officials recognized the collaborative efforts of developer WPG, master-planner Bolthouse Properties, and the City of Bakersfield Recreation & Parks Department. Additionally, they applauded the beautiful contribution to the community.

“We are delighted to be part of the collaborative team that has brought this new amenity to Belcourt,” said WPG Principal Todd Cunningham. “WPG wholeheartedly shares the City’s commitment to a great quality of life for all ages, and we are proud to contribute to that quality at Belcourt.”

Following the presentation, festivities continued with live music, food trucks, and play throughout the park site.